Face of Forgiveness
Face of Forgiveness was established as a Non-profit corporation in 07/01/2019. We seek to…
Face of Forgiveness has been engaged in a collaborative effort with prevention specialists of area mental health agencies affiliated with the Franklin County ADAHM Board (network) since it's conception. Here, our mission is to improve the quality of people's lives through our "Bullying Prevention" seminars.
The Face of Forgiveness; Bullying Prevention "Walk-a-thon and Rally" the first of which was held on Sept. 11, 2011, helps us to raise awareness, support and funding for this mission. We believe that all children should be safe and treated with dignity and respect. This goal is achievable with the elimination of bullying and violent acts.
Rev. Dr. Johannes J. Christian
Dr. Christian is the founding Pastor of The Adoration and Peace Baptist Church in Columbus, Ohio, where he serves as Pastor Emeritus. Face of Forgiveness LLC grew out of his ministry there, which included Anti-Bullying and Non-Violence.
Retired in 2023 from his position as Exexutive Director of the Mobile Center for Disabilities, he now dedicates his time and energies to the furthering of Forgiveness, Reconciliation and Unity.
Meet our CEO
Dr. Christian received his Doctor of Ministry in 1995 from United Theological Seminary, Dayton, Ohio. He has been an instructor for the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship, New Orleans, in the School of Ministry, since its inception. He is Widely known for his Christian Afrocentric workshops and lectures depicting the Afrocentric presence in the Bible.
Dr. Christian is a contributing writer for the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship, School of Ministry Syllabus Booklet. He was the Social Gospel Columnist for The Rejoice Paper, Columbus, Ohio. He participated in the National Leadership Summit, Columbus, Ohio as a panelist with Dr. Cain Hope Felder, Dr. Gilcrest Adam and Archbishop Father Joe Stallings.
Together with Adoration and Peace Baptist Church, Dr. Christian has presented seminars and workshops in schools, recreation centers, summer camps, and church youth programs, prisons and juvenile detention facilities since 2008. His ministry has a global reach and he has taken the message of forgiveness, reconciliation and unity to Mexico, Canada, Africa, Europe, Central and South America, where he has spoken at numerous events.
Dr. Christian is the author of three books: Face of Forgiveness, A Memoir; The Power that is Within You, Anti-Bully Affirmations; and He’s in the House, a book that takes a look at parenting. All three books are available on Amazon.com . You can also purchase the books by clicking the “Books” button at the top of the page.
He makes appearances on several radio talk shows as well as podcasts and live shows.
To get in touch with Dr. Johannes J. Christian for public appearances, please call: +1 (614) 253-7385.
Dr. Christian became totally blind in 2001, when a troubled young man threw a seven pound-rock from an overpass onto Interstate 70 in Clark County, Ohio.
The small boulder smashed into Dr. Christian’s vehicle, crushing his skull. The incident was very nearly fatal, and recovery took over two years. Despite this, Dr. Christian found within himself the personal conviction to forgive the young man who destroyed his eyes and almost took a life.
Dr. Christian developed a tenacity and passion to nullify bullying behaviors in our communities with the emphasis focused on the youth. The anti-bullying program in particular has gained much momentum, with forgiveness as it's central focus.
I had to forgive that young boy; it was the only way I could move on. ~ Dr. Johannes Christian